
Listening Together Online

We have lost the ability to listen well. Many of us have forgotten how to listen to other people, to the world around us, even to ourselves. We are distracted by the attractions and entertainment which surround us, and we do not remember how to listen.

Listening is an essential skill in spiritual life. Please join us in learning and practicing contemplative listening.

Online Reading and Reflection Book Group

In addition to our own individual practices of listening to stillness, we gather online each month to practice listening together.

Our practice follows a simple pattern of

  1. reading a prescribed book each month
  2. taking time to sit still and reflect on what we have read, and
  3. coming together online for a conversation about our reading and reflection.

I ask each person in the group to commit to participating for a full year and pay an annual fee to ensure their participation.

Each year we renew our understanding and commitment to reading and reflection.

Please contact me for more information about my Reading & Reflection Book Group.

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