
Author name: Strategic Monk

Leadership is Like Creating a Craft Brew

One of the principles behind my Craft Brewery Pilgrimage is that leadership has a lot in common with creating a great craft brew. Being an effective leader begins with pulling together the best ingredients.  Those ingredients include the resources you need to lead; the finest skills, financial resources, perseverance, the leadership qualities within your self, […]

Leadership is Like Creating a Craft Brew Read More »

So, What is a Spiritual Director? How is that Different from a Leadership Coach?

When I tell people that I am a leadership coach and a spiritual director, there tends to be some questions.  Some people have a general idea of what a leadership coach does, but there are quite a few people who have very little idea of what a spiritual director might do. It does not help

So, What is a Spiritual Director? How is that Different from a Leadership Coach? Read More »

Sometimes Life is Simple

We tend to understand our lives as having ever-increasing level of complexity.  Nearly instantaneous access to information from anywhere in the world at almost anytime shapes, and shatters, our thoughts and feelings.  We connect with ever-growing networks of people who live in distant places; more and more diverse perspectives influence our own.  We live in

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The Long and Winding Road to New Camaldoli; or, Finding My Way

August 31 is the feast day of Saint Aidan, a Celtic missionary monk who journeyed from the island monastery of Iona to establish the island monastery of Lindisfarne.  It is also the day on which I was received as an oblate at the Benedictine New Camaldoli Monastery and Hermitage near Big Sur, California. It takes

The Long and Winding Road to New Camaldoli; or, Finding My Way Read More »

My House is Your House

We have come to associate good hospitality with pampering the most demanding hotel guests.  Hospitality makes us think of expensive places to stay and distract ourselves with every conceivable convenience.  Hospitality is an industry; people earn college degrees in hospitality management. The cultural roots of our understanding of hospitality go far deeper, though, than king-size

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