I belong to a liturgical church. We divide each year into liturgical seasons. This week we spend three days in transition from the season of Lent into the season of Easter.
Today, the first of those three days, is called Maundy Thursday. Even people who know it is called Maundy Thursday do not necessarily know what that means. The word “Maundy” comes from the same roots as the words “mandatory” or “mandate.” Today is Maundy Thursday because we celebrate one of the great mandates of our tradition.
Our understanding of Maundy Thursday comes from the meal many people know as the Last Supper. It grows from the roots of Christianity planted in the Jewish community.
Before observing their Seder meal, Jesus washed the feet of the disciples. This was a demonstration of servant leadership. Everyone was worthy to be served. No one was left out. This act of servant leadership, an expression of love, gives us an example to follow. We remember, and we practice following that example.
We are real people. We do not always behave as well as we like, and sometimes we outright fail. Today we remember, we reflect, and we begin again. Even if we have failed every day all year, or longer, we start again today.
The example we remember today reminds us who we are. The gifts we have received are to help us serve others. Each of us is worthy to be served, no one is exempt.
We serve people we know, who might get on our nerves from time to time. We serve people we meet for the first time. We may serve people we have never met.
We are reminded today we follow the example of a servant leader. We continue practicing.
What examples do you practice following?
[Image by Randy OHC]