I love a good story.
The stories I love the most are about security and risk. People leave somewhere safe and secure, taking risks and making new discoveries. Accepting the challenge, leaving where we are comfortable, taking the risk is how we learn and grow.
Some of the stories are about physical journeys. People leave the safety of home and cross an ocean or explore wilderness. Some of the stories are about intellectual journeys in which people question the safe assumptions and grow into new ideas and new ways of understanding the world. Some of the stories are spiritual journeys in which people leave the faith they have learned as children and explore the sacred that is all around them.
On each journey, we let go of things we think we know about ourselves, in which we have become comfortable, and take risks. Appreciating the risks is how we learn and grow.
The decision to leave the places we are secure and take on the risks is the challenge of learning and growing.
Many people hold onto safety and security with everything they have, never taking the first step. Others realize that the places they assumed were safe cannot protect them. They come to appreciate that their home may not be as secure, and the journey may not be as threatening, as they thought.
Each story is different, and each journey includes risks. The help of a trusted guide who can listen is a valuable gift as you weigh the risks and decide whether to take them.
It is the letting go that gives us opportunities to grow. It is the taking risks that teaches us deep lessons.
I love a good story.
Where is your story taking you today?
What are you willing to risk to learn and grow?
[Image by jeffpearce]