I open my eyes at least once every day.
Sometimes it happens over time, and things come into focus gradually. If I start moving before my eyes are really open I can bump into things, which encourages me to pay closer attention.
Sometimes I open my eyes immediately. One moment I am asleep and the next I am wide awake. Even if I would like to, I am not going back to sleep. My eyes are staying open.
Sometimes I close my eyes intentionally. There is something I do not want to see, or my eyes are tired and I need to spend a moment or two in darkness. There may be something irritating my eyes that keeps me from seeing well. No matter what it is, I open my eyes again eventually.
I have heard that my eyes are the windows of my soul. I have also heard that it is not really my eyes that see, that they are lenses which collect images and it is my brain and my soul that interpret these images into what I see.
I know that there is a difference between collecting images and seeing. I lived for a long time merely collecting images. Gradually, my eyes came into focus and I began to see more deeply. I am still opening my eyes each day, and bumping into things encourages me to pay attention and see more clearly.
I also have moments of dramatic clarity. One moment I am asleep and the next moment my eyes are wide open.
I open my eyes at least once every day. Over time, I am able to interpret the images I collect more deeply and see more clearly.
Will you open your eyes today?
What do you see?
[Image by orangeacid]