I spent some time near the ocean last week; the ocean is like God.
The ocean is vast and powerful. It seems to ebb and flow, sometimes calm and peaceful; sometimes crashing on the shore.
The ocean is buoyant, and lifts me up. The ocean can be overwhelming, and I can feel like I am drowning.
The ocean can sparkle with light, or it can be shrouded in mist and fog.
Sometimes the ocean is very loud, and sometimes you cannot hear it at all. The ocean gives us many good things, and sometimes takes very dear things from us.
No matter how people think they can master it and control its power, the ocean can never be tamed.
The ocean is deep. It continues on, endlessly, beyond the horizon. Sometimes the ocean makes me feel small and powerless. Sometimes it helps me see my vast, true, hidden potential.
The ocean can be what keeps us apart and, at the same time, what connects us.
The ocean is teeming with life.
I often sense that I have only ever experienced the very edge of the ocean; the most shallow tide or the thinnest part of the top. There is so much more, and I have no idea what it could be.
I love spending time with the ocean, learning it’s lessons, listening to what it has to tell me. It refreshes me, and sends me out stronger than I was before.
The ocean is like God.
[Image by Kyle Kruchok ]