“It is Better to be Pirates than to Join the Navy”

“It is Better to be Pirates than to Join the Navy” October 11, 2011

I never met Steve Jobs in person; he inspires me as he does so many people.  First, his creations remind me of the satisfaction that comes from doing good work with well-designed tools.  Second, his example reinforces my core value that work can, and should, be enjoyable.

For many years, I tried to enlist in different navies.  I would auction my services to the best offer, accept a job, and set out to turn my job into the one I wanted to do.  I would work in an organization for a number of years, accomplish my own personal goals, and begin thinking about what other things I might want to do, what other jobs I might be able to find.  Eventually, my unique blend of strengths and skills, abilities and inclinations, would lead me to go back to school, to start looking at other organizations, or to decide to start over completely.

I sometimes wondered why I was so rarely satisfied, why I never seemed to find what I was seeking.  It turns out that I was looking in the wrong places.

A few years ago I had the opportunity to take some time and think through how I was drawn to spend the rest of my life.  Rather than rushing to find the next position, the next organization, the next challenge, I was able to spend some time reflecting, thinking through what I truly value.  I developed a clearer vision of where I was headed, and began to see the steps I would need to take to get there.  Fortunately, I found people to help and support me, to be patient with me, to see my potential.

I became a pirate.

I have often done things that feel like I am building a ship and sailing at the same time, and Strategic Monk is like that.  There can be a tension between finding stability and moving forward, between doing well and doing good; it is a challenge to do both at the same time.  That is what being pirates is all about.

Are you being a pirate, or are you joining the Navy?

[Image by Timothy Tolle]

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