12 Reasons Why Baseball is Not our True National Pastime

12 Reasons Why Baseball is Not our True National Pastime July 5, 2011

1.  The best possible result is to end up exactly where you started.

2.  The field only has boundaries on two sides.

3.  The managers wear the same uniforms as the players.

4.  The only time anything interesting ever happens is while I am out getting something to eat or drink.

5.  Football is more in line with the history of the United States:  long meetings interrupted by periods of intense violence.

6.  There is no regulation length to a game, and no time limit.

7.  All those obscure statistics that only have initials.

8.  People play outdoors, but even a few drops of rain can delay, or even stop, the whole game.

9.  The “season” is more than six months long, and that does not even include spring training.

10.  Basketball is more consistent with American values:  ten people who are in excellent physical condition getting exercise, surrounded by thousands of people who need physical exercise but are sitting and eating unhealthy food.

11.  Even contemplatives think baseball “can be a little slow.”

12.  Is it really a sport if the people who are actually playing in the game spend most of the game sitting down?

[Image by D.L.]

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