Lead from Within Tweetchats

Lead from Within Tweetchats March 15, 2011

I wrote in an earlier post about recognizing the depth of value and connections on Twitter.  I mentioned that I was hooked on tweet-chats.  Tweet-chats are just what they sound like: talking with a bunch of people simultaneously, following the conversation, and crafting contributions at the same time.  The first tweet-chats that I have found myself  participating in are on Tuesday evenings.  These  tweet-chats are focused on “leading from within”.

The chat is hosted by Lolly Daskal.  Lolly believes that each of us is gifted with an inner voice. She says that each voice, when heard, allows our true gifts to surface.  These gifts empower us, and lead us to our best life.  Lolly is an excellent listener, a supportive and inspiring teacher, and a generous collaborator and friend.  She is also an excellent example of what she helps bring out in other people, and she listens to her own inner voice and leads from within herself.

As you can imagine, the #leadfromwithin chats attracts a strong community of leaders from all over the world.   These leaders simply spend an hour or so once a week talking and listening about serious, deep questions.  Our discussions each Tuesday include insight, passion, experience, growth, and humor.  They are challenging, engaging, thoughtful, and thought-provoking.  I usually spend a good part of the hour listening to what everyone else is contributing; I always take away something to reflect on during the rest of the week.

It is a great gift to be able to spend time regularly with so many exemplary leaders, talking with depth about what we do.  Lolly invites a participant in the group to co-host each Tuesday, and the conversation is balanced, personal, and lively.  I have learned who is able to sing in Greek, with whom I most want to play poker, and who most appreciates my sense of humor!

The chats take place on Twitter, and begin at 8:00 PM Eastern and 5:00 PM Pacific each Tuesday.  I encourage you to join in by following #leadfromwithin.

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